Digital Transformation on Campus

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Times Higher Education Awards

The Turkey-UK 3DI: 3D Printing and Digital Innovation project, conducted by Marmara University Nanotechnology and Biomaterials Application and Research Center and University College London with support from the British Council, has been selected as a finalist in the "Technological or Digital Innovation of the Year" category of the Times Higher Education Awards Asia 2024, out of over 600 applications.

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Campus Card:

Secure Entry: With your new campus card, you will be able to enter university buildings and libraries faster and more securely.
Easy Payment: In the cafeterias on our campuses, you can pass through the QR code via the SoliClub application ( without loading any balance if you wish.
Fast Solution: Thanks to the Campus Card Coordinatorship ( established at our university, you will be able to find a quick solution to any problem you have with cards.

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Online Internship

Eco-Friendly: By reducing paper usage, we are taking an important step in protecting our environment.
Reliable and Transparent: Thanks to the online system, the internship process has become more transparent and traceable.
Easy Access: Students and coordinators can easily manage their internship applications, documents and reports online.
Time Saving: You can follow all processes via the digital platform without having to deal with paperwork.
24/7 Access: You can access the system whenever you need and carry out your transactions easily

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Digitalization of Personnel Leave Processes

Civil Servant Leave Definitions Screens revision, Contracted Personnel Leave Definition module development, Worker Leave Definition module development, Automatic updating of all personnel's new leave rights based on leave seniority dates, Revision of Worker Definitions module, Worker Union Contract Definition and History module development, Developing a warning e-mail sending mechanism 45 days in advance to inform workers about their remaining leave, EBYS service integration, Displaying contracted and worker leaves in the Mirror module, Leave status reports, Leave Viewing module was developed.
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WiFi Project

With this new technology, fiber infrastructure was renewed in classrooms, open spaces, cafeterias, dormitories and all locations within the scope of the study in Marmara University campuses, and the wired network infrastructure was improved and wireless network capacity was increased by converting the network topology to "Star Topology".

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Access to Information Management Systems from Abroad

To access the BYS, EBYS and ÖBYS from abroad, you can log in to with your Corporate email and password and access via browser.


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Data Center Infrastructure Improvements

The communication between physical servers in the data center has been increased from 10Gbps to 25Gbps. In addition, hardware updates have been made to increase the performance of the servers. With the addition of 2 new servers to the data center, its capacity has been increased by 20%

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Marmara Mobile

The service integration with BYS has been made more secure. A more user-friendly structure has been created in terms of design. Integration with the institution website has been increased in the application. The clubs page has been made richer in terms of design and content. A club activities module has been added. The tracking of borrowed books has been made possible through the application. A QR code containing personal information is generated for each user. This QR code allows easy entry to campuses without turnstiles.

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Project Pool Information Management System

A system called “Project Pool Information Management System” has been developed in order to monitor the project application and acceptance rates of our University, which is included in the Entrepreneurial and Innovative University Index, and to contribute to the institution’s continuation of its activities as a “Research University” by using its existing R&D and innovation capacity more efficiently.
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Digital Passage Systems

The card pass system has started to be used at campus and building entrances by integrating with the digital system. It provides safer transitions for individuals and real-time monitoring and reporting for administrators.
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Camera Monitoring Systems

Camera systems are used on campus and in buildings to make students and staff feel safer. Cameras can maintain order by monitoring traffic and crowds within the campus, as well as providing instant information to authorities for rapid response in emergency situations.


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Digital File Tracking System

A File Tracking System was created in a digital environment to track file movements in the personnel records archive consisting of 14,000 files.


This page updated by Dijital Dönüşüm ve Veri Yönetim Koordinatörlüğü on 15.08.2024 07:04:23