A seminar titled "Sector Talks - Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare" was organized at Marmara University.

The second seminar of the Academic Development Unit, which connects prominent figures from various sectors with Marmara University stakeholders on current topics, was held on Wednesday, April 24.

Organized in collaboration with the Academic Development Unit and the Electrical-Electronics Engineering Club (EEMK), the seminar titled "Sector Talks - Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare" featured Sebahattin Babur, Team Leader of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning at Figes A.Ş., and Abdülkadir Kayıklı, General Manager at Vestel Hayriya, as speakers. The event took place at the T2 Conference Hall, Technology Faculty, Marmara University Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Campus, Maltepe.

During the seminar, Babur discussed artificial intelligence applications in the healthcare sector and Matlab solutions, providing insights into various application areas. Kayıklı shared information about Vestel's work in healthcare applications, including the evolution of artificial intelligence and examples of its current applications. The seminar was interactive, with students actively participating and asking questions.

At the end of the seminar, Sebahattin Babur and Abdülkadir Kayıklı were presented with gifts and certificates by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nazmi Ekren, Coordinator of the Academic Development Unit, and Dr. Seçil Varbak Neşe, Faculty Member of the Department of Electrical-Electronics Engineering at Marmara University Technology Faculty.