Breast Health and Breast Self-Examination (KKMM) Information Workshop was Held with Virtual Reality Technology (VR)

In line with the "2024 In-Service Training Directive," an "Information and Workshop on Breast Health and Self-Breast Examination (SBE) Using Virtual Reality (VR) Technology" was held on Wednesday, May 8, at the Dr. İbrahim Üzümcü Conference Hall as part of the "Development of a Breast Cancer Early Detection and Screening Prototype Using Virtual Reality (VR) Technology" Project supported by the 2023 call of the Research Universities Support Program (ADEP).

Starting her opening speech with the words, "Let's value ourselves; take precautions, not risks. Let's not neglect our health checks," Training Planning Officer Pınar Sarıçam emphasized, "No matter what, never give up; take action."

During the training program, Assoc. Prof. Nuran Akyurt, a faculty member of our university's Medical Imaging Techniques Program and a board member of the Breast Health Association, delivered a presentation to raise awareness among academic and administrative staff, as well as students from the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Vocational School of Health Services. In her presentation, Assoc. Prof. Nuran Akyurt discussed breast health, the precautions to be taken, the importance of early detection, and SBE. She shared scientific data on breast cancer from around the world and our country through case studies. Following her presentation, an evaluation exam sponsored by the Breast Health Association (MEMEDER) was conducted to assess the awareness and knowledge levels of the participants. Awards were presented to the top-performing academic and administrative staff members.