MX Creative Industries Workshop

The MX Creative Industries Workshop took place on Tuesday, April 24, at Marmara University's Mehmet Genç Campus. Organized in collaboration with Marmara University's Innovation and Technology Transfer Application and Research Center (MİTTO), the TOBB Istanbul Young Entrepreneurs Board, and the Creative Industries Council Association, the workshop focused on the theme "Creative Industries in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities, Challenges, and Preparing for the Future."

The sessions, conducted under sector and academic headings, discussed the impact of artificial intelligence on creativity, innovation, and production processes.

In his opening speech, Marmara University Rector Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kurt expressed his pleasure at hosting a workshop focused on opportunities in creative industries in the age of AI. He emphasized that creative outputs directly contribute to economic growth and enhance the creative potential of the broader economy, playing a significant role in development.

The workshop's sessions, conducted simultaneously under sector and academic headings, explored the effects of AI on creativity, innovation, and production processes in detail. The welcome speech was delivered by MİTTO Director and Workshop Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Şengör.

Prof. Dr. İclal Attila, Director of Marmara University's Institute of Social Sciences, announced that a guiding report on the integration of this technology into creative industries will be published in a special issue of Marmara University's Öneri Journal after necessary procedures.

Hasan Bünül, President of the TOBB Istanbul Young Entrepreneurs Board, mentioned their goal to uncover Turkey's potential by focusing on the development of the entrepreneurial sector, particularly among the younger generation, and to support advancing their efforts.

Taner Beyoğlu, Acting Director General of Libraries and Publications at the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, highlighted the importance of such work in leading cultural and industrial development, emphasizing the significance of the workshop.

In his thank-you speech, Dr. Ahmet Hamurcu, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design and Chair of the Workshop Organizing Committee, expressed gratitude to all academics, researchers, students, and industry representatives who supported, collaborated, and contributed to the preparation of this valuable and intensive workshop.

The sessions and project presentations in the foyer area attracted significant interest from participants and researchers.

At the end of the event, plans were made to prepare a guiding report on the integration of AI into creative industries, and poster presentations were delivered by session chairs. The sessions, attended by numerous figures from both academia and industry, involved discussions on the challenges, opportunities, and development directions of the creative economy.

Academic Sessions:

- Industrial Design and Artificial Intelligence
- Visual Communication Design and Artificial Intelligence
- Architecture and Artificial Intelligence
- Fashion Design and Artificial Intelligence
- Music and Artificial Intelligence
- Game Design and Artificial Intelligence
- Intellectual Property Rights and Artificial Intelligence
- Creative Entrepreneurship and Artificial Intelligence
- Craftsmanship and Artificial Intelligence
- Creative Cultural Industries, Society, and Artificial Intelligence

Sector Session Topics:

- Sector Impact in Creative Industries
- Artificial Intelligence in Design: Legal Risks, Ethical Solutions
- City, Culture, and Public Space Panel
- Creative Entrepreneurship and Artificial Intelligence Panel
- Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Panel
- Creative Industries and Development Direction Panel
- Cinema and Artificial Intelligence Panel