Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence Training in Cardiology Held

Marmara University's Hypertension and Atherosclerosis Training, Application, and Research Center (HİPAM) coordinated a training session supported by faculty members from the School of Medicine and the Faculty of Engineering. The training took place from December 13 to 15 at the Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Campus Health Complex.

Program Coordinator Dr. Ali Serdar Fak stated that this training is conducted in the context of ongoing research at the university in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) diagnosis and monitoring of heart failure. He highlighted that the second phase of this research, titled "Predicting Worsening in Chronic Heart Failure with AI (ProHeartAI)," is being conducted in collaboration with four other centers alongside the university.

The training included both theoretical and practical sessions with the participation of 11 cardiologists and concluded with an interactive discussion.